Settling our children into a new school or sending them off to Kindergarten for the first time can be exciting and emotional for the whole family. Getting to know teachers and other parents plus understanding how the school works is challenging for you too. We hope that you’ll soon feel part of our vibrant school community.
If you’d like to be actively involved in the school we invite you to join us as a member of the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C). We’re a group of parents and staff, who, like you, want to ensure our kids have the best possible experience at school. We recognize that parents can play an important role in ensuring this.
We don’t just engage in fundraising, although this is one of our most visible functions. We also organize events which encourage the school community to get together and get to know each other. We run the canteen which is currently operational on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. We volunteer our time to help out with school events. The P&C has a representative on the School Board and provides a forum for parents to discuss issues relating to the school. To do all of this we need as many parents as possible to be part of the P&C so we can truly represent the school community (and have all hands on deck when we are organizing big events!).
The projects we have funded recently include but are not limited to:
We welcome any member of the school community to join the P&C. This is where our events and projects are planned and prioritised. Meetings are held during the school term in the ENPS Staffroom (near the oval), dates are advertised in the school Term Planner, Facebook and Newsletter. We understand not everyone can come to meetings, so we communicate the outcomes of our meetings via email, newsletter and Facebook. If you are interested in becoming a committee member, you are more than welcome to attend any meeting or speak to our current committee.
We communicate with our school members through our facebook page, with information provided in relation to all our upcoming fundraising events and meetings. Plus some interesting articles. Please LIKE our facebook page to keep up to date with all of the current information.
If attending meetings is not your thing, the helpers list is a group of people who are called on at various times throughout the year with requests for assistance of time, goods or donations that assist the P&C run particular fundraising events for the school. Examples include asking helpers to make biscuits or cakes to be sold at the sports carnivals or to donate time to supervise a disco. There are generally one to two events per term where we require assistance and there is no obligation to help with every event. The P&C values all contributions from our volunteers. If you would like to add your name to the helpers list, please email us.
We hope you and your family will enjoy your time at East Narrogin Primary School.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
P&C President
© East Narrogin Primary School