East Narrogin Primary School is serviced by a number of school buses, provided by the School Bus Service, which will pick up and drop off students who do not live within walking distance (4.5km) of the school. Students are dropped off at school in Butler Street and then walk down the stairs into the undercover area to enter the school. They do not need to cross any roads to get on or off the school bus when arriving at, or leaving school. At the end of the school day students travelling by bus will assemble in the undercover area to wait for their bus to arrive. At this time they will be in the care of a duty teacher who will record the names of students travelling on each bus that day.
Any student travelling on a school bus service needs to have submitted an application and have it approved by the Public Transport Authority before accessing a school bus. Once applications have been approved the contractor will make contact with the parents detailing pick up points and pick up and drop off times.
All information and applicable application forms may be obtained from the web at www.pta.wa.gov.au. It is important that parents complete all relevant sections of the applications, especially the distance information requested.
Travel on school buses is free for students living out of town, but students can also use the town bus through purchase of a town bus ticket. If parents have any queries, the school will give any assistance necessary.
The town bus service is known as TransNarrogin and operates with a timetabled bus route and bus stops. More information can be found on the TransNarrogin Website or TransNarrogin InfoLine (13 62 13).
Behavioural management guidelines for students travelling to school by contract school buses is available using the same website as listed above.
Students must obey these basic rules for bus travel.
© East Narrogin Primary School